• Khalisadyanubhab

  • Khalisadyanubhab



  • Khalisadyanubhab





  • Khalisadi Anubhab

    Khalisadi Anubhab

  • Khalisadi Anubhab

    Khalisadi Anubhab

  • Khalisadyanubhab


Anubhab Model School (Nursery coaching & Development Center):

Anubhab started their school project for local rural children with a diierent pedagogy and with a joyful mode. Here the financial constraints of their parents doen't matter. Learning is now a diifernt experience to those children. The classroom, Playground, computer room, Smart class everything calls them to enjoy and learn. So the drop out is almost nil. They are getting the oprtyunity which is very special and fit  for child psychology.





From 1st may 2023 we have started a new Project over Child Protection at North 24 District with active support of KAILASH sAYARTHI CHILDREN FOUNDATION - US.

Through this project a resolurion has been taken to make India Child Marriage Free. Chils labour and Child Trafficking are the points over which we have focused. Our team is highly dedicated to make the dream successful to make India Child Marriage Free state.





Activities 2022-2023 

"NAVADISHA" - Supplimentary Education Support Program

From April 2022 KHALISADY ANUBHAB had started an Education Project (Own Funded) namely NAVADISHA - Supplimentary Education support Program through which rural children (School Going) are being supported by providing educational support which suppliment their studies as most of them are first generation learner and their families can't help them in their study at home. This program not only helps them to learn better but to make up their short falls in school classes also.

Presently (2nd Session from january 2023) Fifty six students from Class VIII, Class IX and Class X  have been learning here to make their future better. In this journey SACHETA a social organisation from Kolkata is with us to run the program successfully as they are highly experienced in this field.














COVID 19 made people workless. AMPHUN- the Super cyclone made Rural people Homeless. Amphan snatched their meagre belongings gathered over a lifetime, and their basic essentials. Amid the miserable economic condition due to covid-19, Amphun came and devasted the whole South Bengal specially North & South 24 Parganas. The impact of Covid was bad enough but Amphun ravaged people.The rural people are not only perplexed but literally helpless.

Lets convey to the affected families that we do care about them though the spotlight is elswhere. 

Remember our contribution may come from a tiny part of your savings, it could be your day's or week's or momth's earnings, but it can make a world of difference to them. It could help normalise their lives sooner by several months.

This is the time to stand by them with our limited resource. HELP US TO HELP THEM. 


COVID-19 -A curse to human society:

The most burning issue in this time is Corona/COVID-19 - the Virus that threatened and jolted our human civilisation all over the world. More than 2 (two) lakh people lost their lives till date by the attack of this virus. Our country is obviously not free from it. Near about nine hundred people died for this micro organism. We are fighting agaist this virus to defeat it. Though it is not a easy task. Our government and almost all civil society organisation came forward in this fight.

Our organisation Khalisady Anubhab Welfare Associationis is also working to save people from this virus and its passive effects. Our CHILDLINE Team is working 24x7 even in this lock down situation. Firstly people should be aware about the disease and what should they do in this situation like maintaining Social Distace, Frequent Hand wash, Uses of Mask etc. For this we organised awareness through Miking.

Secondly we distributed PPE (200 pc of Mask) to the ICDS Workers of Minakhan Block, North 24 Pgs.

As a huge number of people like daily wages labour or migrant labour lost their livelihood and conscequently  there is a need of Relief in everywhere. With the help of our Partners we distributed Relief in Basirhat II and Haroa Block. Very soon we will distribute refief specially for children who asked for help through our Childline Helpline 1098.










 CHILDLINE 1098 Project:  Our ongoing project over child protection is CHILDLINE1098 since 2011 under Integrated Child Protection Scheme Govt. of India. Our working area is Haroa, Minakhan and Basirhat Block of North 24 Parganas. It is an emergency day and night serice (24 x 7x 365 ). Through our Helpline 1098(Toll Free) we receive calls from children, citizens and from all corners. We protect the children from any distressed condition. We listen them sympathetically and try to solve or reduce their pain, hurt, neglect,suffering, illness and accident. We help them, guide them and give them SOS attention. We also link them to the organisations and services that are specific to their need. We also support in their battles and struggles, enabling them secure their basic rights.



GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL launched this project for adolescent girls (School going & Dropout) through ICDS DEPARTMENT for North 24 Parganas district from December 2019. North 24 parganas district Administration selected Khalisady Anubhab Welfare Association as its partner to implement the project for 5 (five)blocks  namely  Haroa,  Hingalganj,  Gaighata,  Bagdah and Rajarhat considering our reputation. 

In last four months our Project Coordinator and Field Staff collected data bank, organised a huge number of meetings with AWW, Susupervisors, Adolescent girls , formed SAKHI-SAHALI Group ,  organised Exposure Visit , organised Vocational Training etc. etc.




ARSH Project:

(A Program to empower adilescent to develop Healthy Reproductive Lifestyle including prevention the spread of HIV/AIDS)


Adolescence (11-19) is the most important period of life of a man or woman, unfortunately much attention has not much attention has been given to this phase of human life throughout the world specially in the developing countries. The adolescents form a heterogeneous population with different experiances and expectations. Most of the times these experiances are treated as disgust and shame, leaving them to question their sexuality and forcing them to grow up with a distorted view of body and gender understanding. Our endeavour to empower adolescent to deevelop healthy lifestyle including prevention the spread of  HIV/AIDS in colaboration with THE PURNIMA FOUNDATION, Kolkata stives to bring in a substantial change in the scenario.


Swawlamban Project (Livelihood Program):




For self-sufficiancy, Self-reliance and economic growth of rural society local capacity building and empowerment is necessary. From  the begining we provided rural women the opertunities for personal growth and development and to increase skill enhancement by offering technical skills and vocational trainings with sharing knowledge. Initially Society For Self Employment for Unemployed Youth- a West Bengal govt. enterprise sponsored us for the same. We arranged training over Paper Bag Making.

Last few years West Bengal Women Development Undertaking financed vocational Trainings,and is providing necessary guidence for rural women over the trade Ready Made Garments. After complition of successful two session we are nor going to start thied training schedule at our place. Trained women started income generation from their home itself. A few small enterprises has been set up also.


Swatch Bharat Abhijan & Nirmal Bangla Mission :

Swatch Bharat & Nirmal Bangla both projects are remarkable steps taken by India Govt. and west Bengal govt respectively over sanitation issue. Under both project we organised several programs like School Building & Public place cleaning, Seminar and awareness camp etc. We also organised programs for good habits and good health like Hand Wash Day celebration, Nail and Hair Treaming for school students etc. 

In recent COVID-19 situation we are going to raise the program in regular basis.



Consumer Right Program (Right Based Activities) :

As a North 24 Parganas District empanelled organisation under dist Consumer Affair and Fair Business Practice Deptt. Anubhab organise a few program every year for cosumer awareness.



Other Yearly Programs (As a community based Organisation):



Apart from the above said programs a huge different types of program are executed every year as our regular yearly program to meet the demand of community people as a CBO like Health Camps, Foundation Anniversary & Folk Festival etc.







We have started an  exclusive Anti-Trafficking Project –Operation Red Alert/ Save Village Program at North & South 24 Parganas under “My Choices Foundation” from the end of the year2016-17. Prevention and Protection are being stressed simultaneously in this project. Save Village Program will enlighten all lair of our family structure regarding the ill effect of Trafficking. School program and Village program are organized at the same time for that. Village “Rakshak” are being selected from the program for further correspondence. After a considerable period Revisit has been started to judge the improvement of the village regarding trafficking.